Essential Dos and Don'ts for Students

Essential Dos and Don’ts for Students of iubelearning

Meta Description: With iubelearning ‘s guide, learn the dos and don’ts of notice board protocols. Discover best practices for students of iubelearning at Islamia University to keep the notice boards organized and effective.


Notice boards are crucial communication tools in academic settings. They provide important information about events, deadlines, and updates. In this article, iubelearning explores the essential dos and don’ts of notice board protocol.

The Importance of Notice Board Etiquette

Notice boards serve as central hubs of information, helping to distribute important announcements, promote events, and share resources. Proper notice board protocol ensures that the information is clear, accessible, and relevant to all students.

Benefits of Proper Notice Board Etiquette

. Enhanced Communication: Clear and organized boards facilitate better communication among students and faculty.

. Accessibility: Ensures that important notices are easily accessible to everyone.

. Professionalism: Reflects a sense of responsibility and professionalism within the student community.

. Efficiency: Saves time by reducing the clutter and making relevant information easy to find.

Dos and Don’ts of Notice Board Etiquette


1. Do Keep Notices Organized

Keeping the notice board organized is the foundation of effective communication.

Tips for Organizing Notices

. Use Sections: Divide the board into sections for different types of notices (events, academic deadlines, job postings).

. Categorize Notices: Use color-coded pins or labels to categorize notices by type.

. Remove Outdated Notices: Regularly update the board by removing expired or irrelevant notices.

2. Do Use Clear and Legible Fonts

Make the notice board easy to read by using clear and readable fonts.

Best Practices for Readable Notices

. Font Size: Use a font size that is large enough to read from a distance.

. Font Style: Avoid overly decorative fonts; stick to simple, clean fonts like Arial or Times New Roman.

. Contrast: Use high-contrast colors (e.g., black text on a white background) to enhance readability.

3. Do Follow University Guidelines

Always follow the university’s guidelines about notice board usage.

Understanding University Policies

. Approval: Ensure that the relevant authority approves all notices before posting.

. Content: Follow content guidelines to avoid posting inappropriate or offensive material.

. Location: Post notices only on designated boards.

4. Do Respect Other Notices

When adding a new notice, respect the space and visibility of existing notices.

How to Respect Other Notices

. Placement: Do not cover or overlap existing notices.

. Spacing: Leave adequate space between notices to avoid clutter.

. Duration: Remove your notice once it is no longer relevant to free up space for new ones.


1. Don’t Post Unauthorized Notices

Avoid posting notices without proper authorization from university authorities.

Consequences of Unauthorized Notices

. Removal: Unauthorized notices will likely be removed.

. Disciplinary Action: Posting without permission can result in disciplinary actions.

. Confusion: Unauthorized notices can create confusion among students.

2. Don’t Mess the Board

Messing the board with too many notices can devastate and confuse readers.

Avoiding Clutter

. Prioritize: Only post essential and relevant notices.

. Limit Size: Keep notices to a reasonable size to ensure space for others.

. Consolidate: Combine related notices into a single post when possible.

3. Don’t Use Inappropriate Content

Ensure that all content posted on the notice board is appropriate and respectful.

Maintaining Professionalism

. Avoid Offensive Material: Do not post content that could be offensive or discriminatory.

. Stay Relevant: Ensure all notices are relevant to the student community.

. Fact-Check: Verify the accuracy of the information before posting.

4. Don’t Ignore Notice Board Maintenance

Regular maintenance of the notice board is crucial to keep it functional and effective.

Maintenance Tips

. Weekly Checks: Conduct weekly checks to remove outdated notices.

. Cleaning: Keep the board clean and free of dust or remains.

. Reorganization: Reorganize notices periodically to ensure ideal visibility.


Learning notice board protocol is essential for maintaining an organized and effective communication tool within academic institutions. By following the dos and don’ts outlined in this articles of iubelearning, students at Islamia University can contribute to a more efficient and professional environment.For more tips and resources, visit